
Useful information about the Holiday Cards

What are Holiday Cards?

Holiday Cards, also called Holiday Vouchers, are a modern version of awarding premiums or holiday allowances similar to vouchers/meal cards in the form of an electronic bank card, with which the beneficiary can purchase tourist services/holidays in Romania for he and his family.

Where can you get Holiday Cards?

You can receive the Holiday Cards from the company you work for, if you have a valid individual employment contract and if it decides to grant such benefits to employees.

What can be included in the package of tourist services purchased with Holiday Cards?

  • mandatory accommodation services
  • public food services

The Holiday Cards are mandatory and can only be used by their holder.

How can you pay with Holiday Cards?

Depending on the total amount paid for the holiday, there are the following situations:

The value of your stay is equal to the value of the Holiday Vouchers. In this case, you must pay with the Holiday Card you have.

The value of your holiday is greater than the value of the Holiday Card. In this situation, the difference between the value of the package of tourist services and the value of the Holiday Card must be paid by any other means of payment (cash, payment order, card, etc.).

In the situation where the value of your reservation is lower than the value of the Holiday Card, because the law states that we cannot pay the rest in money to the Holiday Card, then it is necessary to add additional services as far as possible (extra days of accommodation, services additional meals, etc.) up to at least the value of the Holiday Card. If this is not possible, the difference is not returned.

To be able to be used, the Holiday Card must meet the following mandatory conditions:

  • to be in the name of the person benefiting from the holiday
  • the security elements of the Card must be visible and in good condition
  • not to be expired
  • not to be damaged, destroyed, perforated, stapled, bent
  • the barcode must be intact

What CANNOT be paid with Holiday Cards?

  • SPA services
  • minibar
  • parking
  • services at the restaurant, bar (without accommodation)

If you want a reservation with payment in Holiday Cards, send an e-mail to the address: rezervari@telefericgrandhotel.ro with all the details of the paid stay.

You're welcome!