

From airport

The International Airport ”Henri Coanda” Bucharest is 165 km away from Teleferic Grand Hotel Poiana Brașov.

By train

From Gara de Nord in Bucharest to the Brașov Central Station. From the Brașov Central Station: Line 4 bus to Livada Poștei. From Livada Poștei: Line 20 bus to Poiana Brașov. If you want to travel by taxi, it will cost around 10-15 euros for the 15-km journey.

By car

Take the national road DN1 (E60) to get from Bucharest to Brașov. From Brașov, take the Drumul Poienii road to get to Poiana Brașov. Teleferic Grand Hotel can provide the transfer from the airport or train station at your request.

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